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External content widget doesn't render on RM dashboard

Eleni Ackerman (4153) | asked Jun 05 '12, 2:43 p.m.
I have an external content widget which renders on this dashboard -> (first column, first widget)

but not on this RM dashboard -> (first column, first widget)

I didn't know if this was an RM issue or if there were any restrictions wrt use of External Content widget?

I am running Windows 7 and Firefox 3.6.28

2 answers

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jun 06 '12, 7:13 a.m.
Hi Eleni,

I have seen situations where a viewlet will work on JTS but not on an RM dashboard, for example

I suggest raising a defect.

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered Jun 06 '12, 10:48 a.m.
Hi Eleni,

Using the External Content viewlet to render the entire Jazz web application within the Jazz web application is not supported for a number of reasons. One, the Web UI performance is extremely bad because you are in essence loading the entire set of resources that comprise the Web UI twice and duplicating / instantiating facilities that are meant to operate as a singleton. Two, there are a number of restrictions with using iframes that would prevent the web application from operating correctly. I'm surprised that the Web UI even loads on the JTS.

It appears that you are only interested in rendering the "DNG 4.1 QCERT Defect Metrics" report resource rather than the entire Web UI wrapper around it. The normal procedure is that a "Micro" version of that report resource should be created specifically for the "Report" dashboard report viewlet. Fortunately, it appears that someone already has done so. I believe the "Defect Targets v3 Micro" corresponds to the bigger report.  As a result, you should replace the "External Content" viewlet with the "Report" viewlet.  Then, edit the settings and select the "Defect Targets v3 Micro" value in the "Report" field and specify the corresponding report parameters in the "Query" field.



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