New artifact template basics
2 answers
In addition to the project membership "administrator" role, the JazzUser repository permission is needed as well as a Analyst license. Do you have all of these? If so I do not know what might be the problem.
Now on the "Manage Project Properties" admin page, the creation and editing of project templates are a special case, an additional JazzAdmin repository permission is needed. This permission is not needed for artifact templates.
Chris Goldthorpe
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 05 '12, 12:44 p.m.Can you tell us more about what page you are on when you are trying to open this menu? The menu will only show from the project dashboard of a Quality Management Projects or Requirements Management project. It will not show if you are in a project area editor or in a Configuration and Change Management project area.
Amy Tennent
Jun 05 '12, 1:49 p.m.Per doc I am trying to upload a new artifact template. I have admin permission, doc says to select admin icon and select project properties, however, when i select I only see manage templates and manage project area