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Creating Build Engines using SDK

Raphael Chancey (36119) | asked May 25 '12, 10:49 a.m.
Thanks to this forum we had create success in creating defects using the SDK.. thanks for that.

What about creating Build Engines using the SDK.. are there any examples of that?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 25 '12, 3:50 p.m.
Thanks to this forum we had create success in creating defects using the SDK.. thanks for that.

What about creating Build Engines using the SDK.. are there any examples of that?


one way to find out how to do that is:

1. Setup a dev environment with the SDK in Eclipse
2. From this environment, connect to a project
3. Open the build engine definition dialog and focus it
4. ALT-Shift-F1 on the window of the dialog
5. Look at the code, how it works.

That is what I would do to figure how the code works. I have no example, unfortunately, but I would assume it is possible to do that, since the RTC client does it.

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