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Will there be addtl. costs for CLM Workbench at GA (Beta?)

Erin O'Connor (46166) | asked Jun 28 '10, 10:48 p.m.
Product Manager question, from a beta customer: Will there be an additional cost for CLM Workbench when it becomes GA or will it be included as part of our maintenance for licenses we have already purchased for RTC & RQM?

3 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 28 '10, 11:53 p.m.
In general, a "Workbench" is not a new product, but rather is a way of
understanding a given set of products that work well together for a
particular set of customer needs. So the "CLM Workbench" is a set of
products designed to handle the Collaborative Lifecycle Management use
cases. The products involved are the ones you are familiar with ...
RTC, RQM, RRC (now called "RDRP", "Rational Doors Requirements


On 6/28/2010 10:52 PM, oconnore wrote:
Product Manager question, from a beta customer: Will there be an
additional cost for CLM Workbench when it becomes GA or will it be
included as part of our maintenance for licenses we have already
purchased for RTC& RQM?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 29 '10, 9:29 a.m.
In general, a "Workbench" is not a new product, but rather is a way of
understanding a given set of products that work well together for a
particular set of customer needs. So the "CLM Workbench" is a set of
products designed to handle the Collaborative Lifecycle Management use
cases. The products involved are the ones you are familiar with ...


On 6/28/2010 10:52 PM, oconnore wrote:
Product Manager question, from a beta customer: Will there be an
additional cost for CLM Workbench when it becomes GA or will it be
included as part of our maintenance for licenses we have already
purchased for RTC& RQM?

permanent link
Rolf Nelson (617159) | answered Jul 12 '10, 2:09 p.m.
Product Manager question, from a beta customer: Will there be an additional cost for CLM Workbench when it becomes GA or will it be included as part of our maintenance for licenses we have already purchased for RTC & RQM?

At a high level, if you buy RTC 2.x or RQM 2.x today, the products you purchase will map 1:1 to the RTC 3.0 or RQM 3.0 product structures. If you are under active maintenance for RTC 2.x Developer licenses for example you would receive RTC 3.0 Developer licenses as part of your maintenance upgrade. As described earlier in this post RTC 3.0 and RQM 3.0 are part of the CLM WorkBench which is a solution concept which includes products, services and best practices for using a collection of products together.

--Rolf (RTC Product Manager)

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