Creating a Jenkins build definition in RTC 5 by plain API?
I am trying to create a build definition to RTC for a new Jenkins job using the plain API. I found the information in this question from 2014 helpful to a certain point:
Using the code:
IBuildDefinitionTemplate[] templates = BuildConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().getBuildDefinitionTemplates();
for (IBuildDefinitionTemplate t : templates) {
LOGGER.debug("Found template {}, {}", t.getName(), t.getId());
Like Todd I am able to see the Ant, Command line, Maven, Generic, and Jazz Build for Microsoft Visual Studio Solution templates. I see in his solution that he was able to find the Jenkins template in the SDK jars:
I have attempted to add these from both the 4.0 and the 5.0 SDK to my project, but I am still unable to locate the Jenkins "" that Todd found.
Am I missing something obvious here, such as additional jars from the SDK required?