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Query in RTC for "null" ?

Karl Hegarty (111) | asked May 18 '12, 8:05 a.m.
We are using tag field and I want to be able to query for tags not set i.e. null.

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered May 18 '12, 1:06 p.m.
We are using tag field and I want to be able to query for tags not set i.e. null.

This works well -- depending on who you ask to do the work for you. :oops:

I created a new query in the Web UI, added the Tags field and left the value part empty. When I run the query, only items with no tag values are displayed. I was able to save the query and run it later with the same result.

However, creating what seems to be the exact same query from Eclipse query editor does not work. Even worse, if you open the query you saved from the Web UI in Eclipse, it will "break" if you save it.

So the easy workaround is to use the Web UI to create the query and save it. You can even run it in the Eclipse UI and get the proper results -- just don't edit it in Eclipse.

I have filed a defect to track this issue:

Paul Sappie commented Feb 07 '13, 3:23 p.m.

How would I create a query for values that are "not null" in the tag field. I'm looking for a list of ALL tags.

Ryan McBryde commented Mar 21 '14, 10:50 a.m.

Does this "solution", creating the query in the web client work in release 4.0?

I tried to create a query, in the web client, with a custom field, which uses an HTTP filtered value set, and tried to leave the value part empty.  When I save the condition on that field simply disappears.  Does it for contains, is, is not, etc.  Any reason why "is not null" was not included as a criteria when the tool was designed?

Ginny Ghezzo commented Mar 21 '14, 12:47 p.m.

Ryan: I tried the original scenario (Tags) in 5.0 self host on jazz and a 4.0.6 server.   They both worked as Millard described above.   I did not try your scenario of a custom field.

Reenu Marina Thomas commented Dec 10 '15, 1:15 p.m. | edited Jan 14 '16, 10:55 p.m.


What would it be for a field like Estimate?
If there is no estimation made, I tried leaving the attribute condition empty, but i also shows work items that have an estimate.
Is there anything else apart from estimate <= 0?

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