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How to change the default plan mode within a plan type?

Claudia Callegari (44449871) | asked May 15 '12, 1:26 p.m.
I have created a plan mode, and associated that to a plan type. I want the new plan mode to be the default when you work with plans. Is that possible? If so, where can I define the new default?

FYI: when I start creating a new plan, it seems the new plan mode is going to be used, but then, it automatically changes to built-in "Work Breakdown and Schedule".

3 answers

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Claudia Callegari (44449871) | answered May 15 '12, 1:33 p.m.
Found it! At least I figured it out editing the XML

Within the plantype, you should change the sentence similar to this:

planmodes default=""

and replace the id with the new id associated to the new planmode you want to make default.

Should be nice to have this capability in a user friendly way to define.

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered May 15 '12, 6:32 p.m.
Found it! At least I figured it out editing the XML

Within the plantype, you should change the sentence similar to this:

planmodes default=""

and replace the id with the new id associated to the new planmode you want to make default.

Should be nice to have this capability in a user friendly way to define.

Hi, Claudia.

Thanks for your question (and for answering it). :-) I poked about and there is already an Enhancement request for this. Feel free to "up vote" it by adding your comments:

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Claudia Callegari (44449871) | answered May 15 '12, 6:58 p.m.
Thanks Millard!
Vote +1 there!!!!

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