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Migrating from Tomcat to Websphere (Final Steps?)

Jorgefelix Siverio (7621414) | asked Apr 27 '12, 1:13 p.m.
In hopes of a performance increase, we are going to try out and test WAS in one of our lower environments.

We have followed the documentation in the info center for installing and configuring WAS and were able to deploy the applications.

However, we cannot find any other steps or documentation. I don't know if we are done yet and when using the URI that we used to access Jazz before we don't get anything.

Can someone from the community shed some insight into the next steps we need to take. Thanks in advance.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 28 '12, 5:36 a.m.
In hopes of a performance increase, we are going to try out and test WAS in one of our lower environments.

We have followed the documentation in the info center for installing and configuring WAS and were able to deploy the applications.

However, we cannot find any other steps or documentation. I don't know if we are done yet and when using the URI that we used to access Jazz before we don't get anything.

Can someone from the community shed some insight into the next steps we need to take. Thanks in advance.


Some ideas for you - apologies if you have tried these already.

Check the applications really are installed on WAS via the WAS admin console.

Make sure the applications are running.

Make sure Tomcat is no longer running.

Assuming you are running 3.0 or greater - check if you can access /jts and if that works, try /ccm.

You may also want to check your WAS security settings - this may be blocking access.

When you say you get nothing - is it a blank screen, or error messages or something else?



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