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RTC how do I update the XML file so I can import Tasks and associate with an existing Story

Barb I (72910) | asked Mar 07 '13, 10:14 a.m.

I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to modify the XML file to be able to associate Tasks I'm importing -- which was exported into a CSV file and then saved as XML via the 'compute from data' function -- with a Story. 

Any help would be appreciated.

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Barb I (72910) | answered Mar 11 '13, 1:42 p.m.

I figured out how to do this and wanted to post the solution in case it would help someone else.

I needed to add a column with a column header of 'Parent'.  Then for each new Test Case in the 'Parent' column enter the Story ID with a poundsign in front of it.

So if the new task's Parent Story would be 100 then in the Parent Column you'd type: #100.

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