RTC 3.0.1 Data Warehouse Vs Data Mart
3 answers
The Data Mart is the same old data warehouse that we shipped in 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.
In 3.0.1, we created a new data warehouse that can be shared by all CLM apps. Using the new data warehouse is the recommended path. Notice that moving to the new data warehouse will require a full ETL which could take several days to re-extract the historical data and metrics from the jazz repository.
In 3.0.1, we created a new data warehouse that can be shared by all CLM apps. Using the new data warehouse is the recommended path. Notice that moving to the new data warehouse will require a full ETL which could take several days to re-extract the historical data and metrics from the jazz repository.
Notice that moving to the new data warehouse will require a full ETL which could take several days to re-extract the historical data and metrics from the jazz repository.
Hi Rafiq,,
We started the DW job for the first time after the upgrade from to went on for about 8 days and on the 9th day the process almost crashed. We tried it twice later, but couldnt suceed it even once.
Our DB is about 350GB and have more than 380,000 workitems and use Tomcat.
We see the below error quite often in the jazzlogs and the connection to RTC keeps dropping now and then when the DW job runs for more than 4 days. The connection regains by itself. We do not do anything. But this doesn't let us to even load a workspace in the foreground.
So, we had no option other than stopping the job and restarting RTC once.
Our JTS JDBC pool size was 128 and Jazz - JDBC pool size was 200
We have about 160 connections to the DB at any point of time.
Do you have any recommendation for the JDBC poolsize or the waiting size ?
Do you have any comments on the setting given in https://jazz.net/library/article/790 (Is the setting recommended for Tomcat as well? )
Hi Pavithra,
Is there any particular reason for you to turn on the RTC ELT jobs for the JTS DW? Are you going to use RDDI to do reporting? My point is that If you have been using BIRT, you don't really have to turn on the jobs.
We are also on RTC and our db size is about 20 GB and the very first run continued for 3 days before we decided to cancel it. We did it for two reasons:
1. We're good with existing BIRT reports and we're not going to move to RDDI since it's not supporting RTC live data (only historical data)
2. The ETL jobs doesn't support Stop and Resume capability until 4.x. Any failure would require the jobs to start from the beginning again.
Hope it helps. Thanks.