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How to move a old plan into a new plan

Xiang Zhou Wu (111) | asked Apr 11 '12, 3:59 a.m.
Hi RTC experts,

I need your help on a problem: Someone else created a plan before. Now I create a plan for the whole project. Now I want to move the old plan into my new plan How can I do it? Thanks!

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 11 '12, 8:11 a.m.
When you say "move the old plan into my new plan", what exactly did you have in mind? A plan is primarily just a query, where the query is defined by the team area and iteration you have configured the plan for. The only data that is "in" the plan itself are the text in additional pages you have added to the plan, and the plan-view (i.e. how you have configured the plan to be displayed).

In particular, it is likely that you will want to either:
- delete the old plan, now that you have a new plan
- keep the old plan, because it is configured to either select a different team/iteration than the new plan, or because it has an interesting view.


Hi RTC experts,

I need your help on a problem: Someone else created a plan before. Now I create a plan for the whole project. Now I want to move the old plan into my new plan How can I do it? Thanks!

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