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Can a query be copied from one RTC 4.0.5 instance to another?

Roger Boester (656) | asked Jul 31 '15, 10:57 a.m.
Is there a way to copy a query, not the results, between instances of RTC?  Is it possible to export/import queries?

2 answers

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Shuhichi Saitoh (20059) | answered Aug 03 '15, 3:21 a.m.
edited Aug 03 '15, 3:23 a.m.

To copy queries what I did in my past is,
  • Launch RTC Eclipse client and open Process Configuration editor
  • Add a query as "Predefined Query"  ( Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Item > Predefined Query, click Add button and select the query)
  • See Process Configuration Source and copy the XML representation of the query, such like
            <query description="...." id="" name="Open Created by me">
  • Paste the XML query source into the Process Configuration source of the another project area and save
  • Now you see the query in the Predefined Query on the other project area, so you can use it or copy and save as another (non predefined) query.

Hope this helps.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 03 '15, 5:54 a.m.

This relies on the fact that the target project areas has the attributes and their values the display names that are in the query.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Aug 02 '15, 9:34 p.m.
Hi, Roger

No, you cannot export and import query or copy a query.
See the discussions in this post:

Regarding copy a query, the below RFE is quite popular and you can vote for it as well:

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