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Project keeps spawning jobs!

Titus Freemen (611) | asked Apr 03 '12, 3:09 p.m.
Hello All,

I have BF 7.1.2 installed and running on a Windows 2003 server machine. Everything seems to works just fine, but I have a simple project with a strange "defect?".

I open the project window and start the project from the "start project" button. Than I don't change any defaul variable and start the job.

The strange behaviour is that it keep spawning new jobs for it as soon as the job before it finishes. It keep spawning for days it I do not cancel one... As soon as I cancel the running job, it does not spawn any again.

And as it is a test project, I only have steps with "echo something" with no real action.

Anyone with a problem similar?


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Titus Freemen (611) | answered Apr 03 '12, 3:12 p.m.
Hello All,
The strange behaviour is that it keep spawning new jobs for it as soon as the job before it finishes. It keep spawning for days it I do not cancel one... As soon as I cancel the running job, it does not spawn any again.


I just found the "defect". I had set the pass chain to the same project as a miss selected combo click.... :oops:

Any forum admin feel free to delete this


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