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RQM OAuth Authentification

DIALLO Amadou (11278) | asked Apr 02 '12, 7:46 a.m.
Hi all,
I want to write a client application that lists the Project actefact suh as TestCases,testSuites present on RQM server. I havent been able to retrieve:
1- the ServiceProviderCatalog URL in order to user the RQM ServiceProviders
2- The 3 RQM OAuth Authentification Urls

Can someone please guide me on the correct way to retrieve the catalog and 3 RQM OAuth Authentification Url?
And the snippet of the code of how to implement OAuth Authentification OSLC Client which call RQM server, if it is possible?

Thanks .

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Apr 02 '12, 11:22 a.m.
The OSLC service providers are listed in the root services document (https://host:port/context root/rootservices).

You may also want to look at the experimental OSLC Cleaner Utility that contains code for authenticating with a RQM/RTC/RRC server and resolving the OSLC service provider catalogs (see

From the OSLC service provider catalog, you can resolve the various URLs for CRUDing/querying OSLC resources.

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