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Does RTC support WAS 7.0 Express on IBM i

Jan Coetsee (46122) | asked Mar 28 '12, 12:24 p.m.
The system requirements at are very frustrating, and are geared towards the usual suspects, i.e. Windows. I need to know the EXACT software pre-reqs for my server platform, not generalities.

It would also help if they stated what does NOT work, then I wouldn't have to spend hours on the web searching for a needle in a haystack.

Does RTC work with the free IBM WebSphere Application Server Express V7.0 for IBM i , shipped in "IBM Web Enablement for i5/OS" (5722-WE2)?

If yes, are there any limitations?

If no, do you perhaps have a winning lottery number so I can afford the commercial version of WAS, just so I can run RTC?


4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 29 '12, 7:47 a.m.
We can only state we support what we test. Therefore the list. Everything else is not supported, which means support can only act on "best effort basis" if they can't reproduce an issue on supported platforms the will not be able to help. It is only possible to test a limited set and that is listed. The combination of all other possible version of tools is simply too huge - combinatorial analysis.

The article says:

On IBM i5/OS V5R4:

* Group Security: SF99538
* DB2 for IBM i: SF99504
* Java Group PTF: SF99291
* TCP/IP Group PTF: SF99315
* WebSphere Application Server V7.0: SF99324 (
* WebSphere Application Server V6.1: SF99323 (

So as long as you have a WAS 7 with the Fixpack SF99324 ( or higher mentioned you should be good.

Please also read it states

Each valid client license includes a license to run one instance of DB2 Workgroup or Enterprise Edition (excludes z/OS) and one instance of WebSphere Application Server in support of Rational Team Concert. Trials of DB2 and WebSphere are also available. Express editions of WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 are also available for IBM i at no additional charge by ordering the Web Enablement for IBM i. See system requirements for details.

Once you get you licenses, you should be able to access a WAS download (only for usage with RTC) on passport advantage.

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Jan Coetsee (46122) | answered Mar 29 '12, 1:49 p.m.
We can only state we support what we test. Therefore the list. Everything else is not supported, which means support can only act on "best effort basis" if they can't reproduce an issue on supported platforms the will not be able to help. It is only possible to test a limited set and that is listed. The combination of all other possible version of tools is simply too huge - combinatorial analysis.

The article says:

On IBM i5/OS V5R4:

* Group Security: SF99538
* DB2 for IBM i: SF99504
* Java Group PTF: SF99291
* TCP/IP Group PTF: SF99315
* WebSphere Application Server V7.0: SF99324 (
* WebSphere Application Server V6.1: SF99323 (

So as long as you have a WAS 7 with the Fixpack SF99324 ( or higher mentioned you should be good.

Please also read it states

Each valid client license includes a license to run one instance of DB2 Workgroup or Enterprise Edition (excludes z/OS) and one instance of WebSphere Application Server in support of Rational Team Concert. Trials of DB2 and WebSphere are also available. Express editions of WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 are also available for IBM i at no additional charge by ordering the Web Enablement for IBM i. See system requirements for details.

Once you get you licenses, you should be able to access a WAS download (only for usage with RTC) on passport advantage.

I participated in the closed Beta of RTC 1.0 in 2008. I pointed out to the RTC design team several issues with RTC on IBM i, and I am happy to see, and congratulate your RTC/JAZZ team, on the progress they have made towards making RTC/JAZZ IBM i functional and user friendly. For example, fantastic build support, and RTC now provides native commands to start/stop the servers, shielding IBM i users from the foreign (to them) QShell commands. A small effort, with big pay off.

At the time the argument for supporting WAS Express also came up, and I in fact did run RTC 1.0 on WAS Express. I am therefore surprised at your answer that WAS Express is not supported, because the RTC/Jazz team did agree with me back then.

Back to my "frustration". Yes, I did see that "Express editions of WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 are also available for IBM i at no additional charge by ordering the Web Enablement for IBM i. See system requirements for details." Yet, when you go to the system requirements there is no mention of WAS Express.

In addition, not to be picky: The WebSphere pre-reqs don't exist. Here is the (condensed) list of relevant fix pack groups for IBM i V6.1 on Fix Central. By the way, note the absence of RTC/Jazz Fix Central. Room for improvement!
9. Group: SF99375 Abstract: WebSphere App Server V8.0
13. Group: SF99353 Abstract: WebSphere App Server V6.1
14. Group: SF99352 Abstract: WebSphere App Server V6.0
18. Group: SF99325 Abstract: WebSphere App Server V7.0
21. Group: SF99115 Abstract: IBM HTTP Server for i

Your requirements state: On IBM i 6.1:
WebSphere Application Server V7.0: SF99324 (
WebSphere Application Server V6.1: SF99323 (

Likewise, on V7R1 the group for WAS 7.0 is SF99363, not SF99324 as stated on your requirements page.

I want to use WAS Express, because I am already using it, and I don't want to have yet another copy of WAS running.

But I also DON'T want to spend all the time and effort if I am not sure I am on the right path. If it turns out RTC does not work with WAS Express, or I can't get support, then I will have to undo all the changes to WAS Express, which is not easy.

It is suggested by that WAS Express is supported on IBM i, but on it specifies a generic WAS (which could be developers or network or express editions) without explicitly stating which or which not. So if WAS Express on i is definitely, absolutely not supported, all I am asking that you say so, and if it is, likewise, instead of subjecting the reader to FUD (fear, uncertainty & doubt).

At this point I still don't know for sure what the answer is. Will you please check with the developers and get me a definitive answer, as it pertains specifically to WAS Express on IBM i.


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 29 '12, 2:10 p.m.

if you want a definite answer or request support for your environment, or if you expect a clearer statement in the system requirements, I would suggest to create an enhancement request, so that development can have a look. You can link the request to this forum post and vice versa too.

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Jan Coetsee (46122) | answered Apr 02 '12, 1:09 p.m.

if you want a definite answer or request support for your environment, or if you expect a clearer statement in the system requirements, I would suggest to create an enhancement request, so that development can have a look. You can link the request to this forum post and vice versa too.

And the answer is: Install RTC/JTS on IBM i, run the "Configure Jazz Server (CFGJAZZSVR)" command, and voila, WebSphere Application Server Express IS OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED ON the IBM i platform because it is listed as a valid option:

                      Configure Jazz Server (CFGJAZZSVR)           

Type choices, press Enter.

NODE NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . NOD JTS_NODE
HTTPS PORT NUMBER: . . . . . . . HTTPS 29443
WAS VERSION: . . . . . . . . . . WASV > V7
WAS OPTION: . . . . . . . . . . WASO > EXPRESS /* Valid options: BASE, EXPRESS, ND,
*NAME (provide WAS_PRODUCT_LIB name and CFGJAZZSVR figures it out?) */
MAX HEAP SIZE: . . . . . . . . . HEAP '*'
WAS ADMIN PASSWORD: . . . . . . ADPSWD _________

Now we all know. Would've been nice if it was mentioned in the documentation here and there for the purposes of installation and requirement planning.

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