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WI template instantiation during project intialization?

Steve Cotugno (41159) | asked Apr 28 '11, 6:54 p.m.

First, how can a WI Template be included as part of the process template?

Second, once that WI Template is part of the process template and a new project is created based on that process template, can a WI template be instantiated (create the set of work items based on the WI template) during project initialization? Can the process template be configured so that it will instantiate the WI Template? If so, how?


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Sean G Wilbur (87222421) | answered Apr 29 '11, 11:27 a.m.

A WI Template is not instantiated as part of the "Setup Project" currently you need to fill in the given WI templates individually as is done in the other templates in the "Project Area Initialization" section of the Project Configuration.

If there is not already an enhancement for that, have a specific setup action to create a WI template sounds like a useful enhancement to submit.


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