Workflow cutomization: Transitions vs Main Workflow
Can somebody explain me the use of the Main Workflow in the Detais section of the WorkItem Workflow.
In the transition table I can define action for each State from/to
What I fine for me
But why do I need also (its mandatory) to set a Start Action, a Resolve Action and a Reopen Action
e.g in the EPIC the Reopen Action is set to "Reopen -> In Progress", also when I've "Reopen" action in state Deferred and Invalid.
Thanks for your help
Can somebody explain me the use of the Main Workflow in the Detais section of the WorkItem Workflow.
In the transition table I can define action for each State from/to
What I fine for me
But why do I need also (its mandatory) to set a Start Action, a Resolve Action and a Reopen Action
e.g in the EPIC the Reopen Action is set to "Reopen -> In Progress", also when I've "Reopen" action in state Deferred and Invalid.
Thanks for your help
2 answers
I am not sure I understand the question.
As far as I know the actions you refer to are used in certain automation areas, e.g. if you resolve when delivering the action defined in the details section is used. You just define an action below and then pick an appropriate action in the details. The start action for example is used after you created a new work item and save it. It sets the workflow state to the one defined in the action.
I am not sure I understand the question.
As far as I know the actions you refer to are used in certain automation areas, e.g. if you resolve when delivering the action defined in the details section is used. You just define an action below and then pick an appropriate action in the details. The start action for example is used after you created a new work item and save it. It sets the workflow state to the one defined in the action.
I am not sure I understand the question.
As far as I know the actions you refer to are used in certain automation areas, e.g. if you resolve when delivering the action defined in the details section is used. You just define an action below and then pick an appropriate action in the details. The start action for example is used after you created a new work item and save it. It sets the workflow state to the one defined in the action.
You did understand correctly :-)
Now to be sure that I did understand your reply
1) when creating a new Artifact, RTC will use the "Start Action" from the details section
2) when changing state by hand, RTC will use the definition in the Transistions section
3) in some Build-In action (e.g delivering a stream) the definitions in the Details section is used
Question: is there a documentation in what cases the details action will be used