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Migrate data from DOORS to RRC

Sean F (1.3k249160) | asked Mar 14 '12, 7:50 a.m.
I heard ReqIF support was going to be in RRC 4.0. Is that correct and if so what version of ReqIF?

Does anybody have any experience migrating data from DOORS 9.3 to RRC 3 including links and OLE? If so what methods have been useful?

4 answers

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Tom Mutdosch (1761) | answered Mar 15 '12, 1:56 p.m.
I heard ReqIF support was going to be in RRC 4.0. Is that correct and if so what version of ReqIF?

Does anybody have any experience migrating data from DOORS 9.3 to RRC 3 including links and OLE? If so what methods have been useful?

RRC 4.0 will have partial support for ReqIF 1.0.1. You will be able to import and export data to/from RRC via the ReqIF standard, but likely not able to bring in incremental changes. (subject to change)

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Dean Richardson (6) | answered Aug 23 '12, 6:38 p.m.
 I am struggling with that same problem, but I am making some headway on it. If I remember I will post my procedure to this thread. The DOORS 9.3 export does not export quite right for RRC4 import. 

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Ken McNair (111) | answered Sep 26 '12, 8:46 a.m.
I'm testing REQIF export from DOORS to DOORS Next Gen and it seems that DOORS 9.3 does not properly support REQIF (the import fails in NG and this is probably true for RRC). You'll probably need to upgrade to DOORS 9.4.

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Dean Richardson (6) | answered Sep 26 '12, 10:07 a.m.
I have explored this quite a bit the past few weeks. DOORS 9.3 exports in RIF 1.0 format. 9.4 Exports in 9.4 but drops all the OLE objects. I am currently working on some RIF transforms to a proper ReqIF format 1.0.1, but it is not simple. 

Nathaniel Shelton commented Oct 10 '12, 1:29 p.m.

Did Dean mean to say that DOORS 9.4 exports to ReqIF format 1.0.1?

Dean Richardson commented Oct 10 '12, 1:40 p.m.

I wish it exported in ReqIF 1.0.1, but no. DOORS 9.4 exports in RIF 1.0 and 1.2 format, which are similar to ReqIF, but not close enough to get a good import. So far my migrations have been poor at best. The OLE objects are important and nearly impossible to move over. 

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