How can I thank you all for your contributions here in 2013?

I wish I had a pile of t-shirts or golf balls or other trinkets I could send out but until that budget gets approved, I wanted to close 2013 with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed here in any way through out the year. Technical support is fine and community support is better.
I'd like to call out some specific folks who have contributed significantly this year (and don't work for IBM). To keep the list from going on well past the point of anyone reading, I set the bar at 50 or more answers (meaning on average you helped someone else at least once a week). THANK YOU! Please keep participating in 2014 as the place truly wouldn't be the same without you.
Top Individual Contributors:
Thank you all!
@millarde, CLM Community Leader
PS: If someone really helped you out this year, feel free to thank them in the comments here -- or better yet, go find the post, accept the answer and up-vote it.
3 answers

As a basic Joe User, I'd also like to echo your post! Our company just moved to RTC this past quarter and I've been very pleasantly surprised at not only the existing knowledgebase on the jazz site in the library of articles and forum answers, but also the accessibility/searchability of it, and of course, the responsiveness of not only other Joe User's but the IBM experts. Thank you everyone and here's to a continued great community in 2014!

Yes, thanks to all who have participated in any way, and to those who have shared their knowledge, experiences, both good and bad!
Hope "management" as you refer to them take note of the types of questions and problems being asked here. As someone who has been a regular visitor fairly recently, there are definitely some trends and pain points which I hope are being addressed.

Some of my favorite forum related memories of 2013 are getting ready to answer a post and seeing that Sam Detweiler @sdetweil has already beat me to it. I personally learn, not only more about my products, but more importantly the ways customers are adopting them and the challenges they face. Thank you each!
Millard Ellingsworth
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 06 '14, 3:45 p.m.Comment for a bump to top of list (now that most folks are back to work), then I'll let it fade away. Thanks again to everyone and Happy 2014!
Paul Slauenwhite
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 07 '14, 12:08 p.m.Thanks Millard!
Clement Liu
May 11 '14, 11:47 a.m.Oops, almost missed this one... :) Myself has been greatly helped right here and just glad being able to give back to the community. My role has been changed from managing Rational applications to Tasktop Sync recently, which is part of our enterprise initiative to integrate various IT tools - RTC, RRC, QC, Clarity and etc. Although I'l spend less time in Rational apps, I'll try my best to continue to contribute my knowledge here from the ALM perspective.
sam detweiler
May 11 '14, 11:44 a.m.Thanks Clement!... If this new job kicks in I also will be drifting away from Jazz for work, but still hang out when I can.
on the Tasktop side, I'd love to hear how it goes. seeing performance issues in enterprise deployments worries me to add another poller to the solution. I may be overstating the issue, but long years of discovering these after the fact makes me jaded..