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RTC Notification on web client

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Mar 13 '12, 11:28 a.m.
I know when workitem change, you can "mail config" to receive notification.
But thousands of mails mean nothing.

I want to know in Web client, is there any way to notify me the workitem releate me changes or some comments mentions me.
I know in Eclipse client, there is event log/Feed/Hover notify..

On web client, I can create the viewlet of "my work item change" to list all my created/modified/subscribed work items.

If some one in other workitem comments mentions me, can I get the notification in short time?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 13 '12, 12:18 p.m.

you can use feeds to listen to changes. E.g. my work Items Feed. This works for Dashboards as well as the Eclipse client. On the dashboard, just configure a viewlet.

permanent link
Jan Harris (5665) | answered Apr 04 '12, 1:54 p.m.

you can use feeds to listen to changes. E.g. my work Items Feed. This works for Dashboards as well as the Eclipse client. On the dashboard, just configure a viewlet.

Ralph is there a way to subscribe to a Plan via the Web Client? So far I cannot find this

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