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Create custom attachment

Srikanth Rinwa (133) | asked Jun 11 '12, 5:50 p.m.
Hi Team, My requirement is to add attachment under a section. For example I have created a section called as RCA (Root Cause Analysis) and need to provide some field to attach files under RCA section. At present I see Attachment can be added to any editor presentation as section only not as "Add Presentation". I have capture the image. I want to add the Attachment right after the Root_Cause (Description). 

Hope I am clear, if not please do let me know.

Thanks in advance.

One answer

permanent link
Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jun 19 '12, 3:16 a.m.

with work items this will not work exactly the way you envision. Attachments is a non-attribute based presentation. You can add it in a custom section of a custom tab. But it will be THE attachments, not any custom attribute field of the work item.

When you collect attachments, you can refer to them by typing "attachment 1" or "attachment 514" in any text field of the work item once they are saved. The text will be interpreted as link and directly link to the attachment.

This article describes all details about tabs, sections and presentations.

While I understand you probably would have liked the answer to be different, does it help you nonetheless?

- Arne

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