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Hot repotools -export possibility

pere irazusta (2062120) | asked Mar 12 '12, 10:22 a.m.

We are using repotools -export to back-up RTC data and configuration ( JTS and CCM ) periodically.

The problem is that we are planning to do this in batch mode and exporting with repotools involves that we need to have the Appserver down so each back-up involves a restart ( with its risks).

Batch Structure:
- server.shutdown
- jts export
- ccm export
- server.start

Is there any better alternative to do this? Or use repotools on a 'hot mode' ?


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 13 '12, 12:23 p.m.
Hi Pere,

please consider reading . Check for online backup. I have another article pending for publishing for CLM. As far as I am able to tell repotools is not the suggested way to back up. Especially import is slow compared to restore some files and the database. It depends on the database if you can do online backup What DB are you using?

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