RTC BIRT - custom attribute of type workitem?
2 answers
You may check the Work item snapshot/liveworkitem cnt table and depending on the type of the custom attribute check string key/val, timestamp key/val,integer key/val etc..
I hope you have found the solution. All the attributes of the Work Item type you will find in the WS_REQUEST_EXT table. To made this data more readable I selected the columns:
WI_ID (to know with which Work Item it is related to)
VAL_WI_TYPE (to know which exactly attribute it is)
VAL_SUMMARY (to have a Summary of this related Work Item)
VAL_URL (to easily find it)
TIMESTAMP (to get the latest version of it)
For optimization purposes as a Parameter "FROM_TIME" I have added the expression "BirtDateTime.today()"
Best regards,
Hi Pugazh and Tad,
For basic custom attributes, CLM 6.0 introduced the WI_ table descriptors that will show the current values of the custom attributes for a particular work item. For complex custom attributes (e.g. work item, project area) the only available tables right now are the WS_ and the WC_ tables.
The WC_ tables include the history information, all the changes made to a work item. For instance, if a work item has been changed twice, then there would be two records in the WC_ tables.
The WS_ tables are the "state" tables. There is a record for each work item for each day since it was created. These tables are used to know the state of the work item (and its attributes) on a particular date. They are usually used on a trend report to show (for instance) how many work items were opened on a particular date, etc. As Tad mentioned, to get the current information of a particular work item it would be necessary to use only the latest record on that table.
The WI_ tables for complex custom attributes may be added in a future release.
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