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Problems with Release Backlog plan

Vishnu Kumar (2621627) | asked Feb 29 '12, 8:01 a.m.
Hello Team,
I am experiencing a very strange problem while viewing my release backlog plan (view mode: Taskboard or Team)....

Under my project area, I have various work item categories and each category is associated with a Team Area.

We are creating Work items of various types such as tasks, stories and epics and filing those against a specific category and assigning those to our Release....

When i look at my Release plan in Team view (based on team area), I am only able to see stories/epics assigned to specific team areas.. Work items are not appearing.... however if i am keeping my work items in unassigned state (i.e File against is unassigned) then these work items are appearing on the top under unassigned tab.... If i change the File against attribute of these work items, they no longer appear in plan.....

I am not able to figure out why its happening....

I am following this approach because we can take the burndown/burnup chart based on team area.

I am also finding another problem while viewing the plan in web-client... the hierarchy of file-against attribute is appearing in incorrect order... One category is not coming under Unassigned... its showing on the same level as Unassigned...

Please help me resolving these issues...

Vishnu Kumar

2 answers

permanent link
Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Feb 29 '12, 12:03 p.m.

I am also finding another problem while viewing the plan in web-client... the hierarchy of file-against attribute is appearing in incorrect order... One category is not coming under Unassigned... its showing on the same level as Unassigned...

for this see other thread

and defect


permanent link
Vishnu Kumar (2621627) | answered Mar 01 '12, 2:29 a.m.
Thanks for the links but my original problem still persist with work item types: Task... In none of my plan task appears in the plan if i change the file against attribute from "Unassigned" to any value which is associated with a team area... However stories and epics are appearing in the plan... and tasks only appear if File against attribute is set to "Unassigned"..... Its same with Iteration plan and Backlog plan as well....

Vishnu Kumar

I am also finding another problem while viewing the plan in web-client... the hierarchy of file-against attribute is appearing in incorrect order... One category is not coming under Unassigned... its showing on the same level as Unassigned...

for this see other thread

and defect


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