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"About this Report" ia not working in BIRT report

kavita herur (5876894) | asked Apr 13 '14, 12:54 p.m.

 Hi All,

We have customised process for project area. Now we realised we dont have IBM provided reports . BurnDown, Burn Up.. So I found those rtpDesign file in eclipse cleint  and deployed those to our project area  along with micro rtpdesign files. But the "About this Report" is not showing any data. on data selected and snapshot update.

I am concerned about snapshot update as in admin page it shows snapshot is updated but still report shows old data almost 1-2 month old.

So I want to corect "About this report" part to show filter values and snapshot update.

And from where to collect IBM provided report design files for already created project area in RTC 4.0.5 server and client also 4.0.5



Accepted answer

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Alanna Zito (1.3k3) | answered Apr 24 '14, 11:07 a.m.
HI Kavita,

If you manually deployed the *.rptdesign files into your project area, you are probably missing the *.properties and *.rptlibrary files that are required for the out-of-the-box reports to run and display properly.  If you are missing an out-of-the-box (IBM provided) report in your project area, the easiest way to deploy it is to go to the Reports menu (in the web client) -> Report Resources.  In the toolbar, click on "Deploy New Resources", and select "Provided by Application" as the source.  This will show you all of the out-of-the-box reports that are available and not currently in your project; select the ones you want to deploy.  This will make sure that all the additional files are included properly.
kavita herur selected this answer as the correct answer

kavita herur commented May 14 '14, 7:12 a.m.

Hi Alanna,

 I tried deploying manualy along with *.properties and *.rptlibrary files still it gave error in "About this report" section  but deploying from Web client worked well.



Alanna Zito commented May 14 '14, 8:38 a.m.

Glad you got this working.  One additional thing about deploying the .properties and .rptlibrary files manually is that, after importing them, you need to edit the path to append "shared" - so it should read "shared/" and "shared/shared.rptlibrary".  You can see an example of this by looking at any report resource that was deployed automatically.

One other answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Apr 24 '14, 3:57 a.m.
To debug the "About this report" section, you can open the rptdesign file from Eclipse client with BIRT plugin, and check how the section defined in the report.
To get the OOTB report templates, you can find from either RTC server (conf/ccm/sites/rtc-commons-update-site/plugins/*.jar) or from client by looking for plug-in.

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