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unable to read subcategory value with special character /

Abhilash Boinapally (011314) | asked Feb 08 '12, 6:26 a.m.
Using API, unable to read special character "/"

for eg

CategorySchema scema=session.getCategorySchema("ABCD");
Category assetcat=scema.getCategory("EFGH");
SubCategory assetsubcat=assetcat.getSubCategory("ABC/XYZ");

This SubCategory is returning Null although the value exists and able to search in the category.

Is there any way to read the value with special character "/" through API.

Please advice


3 answers

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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Feb 08 '12, 9:38 a.m.
"/" is not a valid character in category name. That is because the full
category identification of your example would be:

CategorySchema scema=session.getCategorySchema("ABCD");
Category assetcat=scema.getCategory("EFGH");
SubCategory assetsubcat=assetcat.getSubCategory("ABC/XYZ");

schema -> "ABCD"
assetcat -> "ABCD/EFGH"
assetsubcat -> "ABCD/EFGH/ABC/XYZ"

So we can't tell difference between ABC/XYZ and as assetsubcat or XYZ
being a subcat of assetsubcat.

Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer

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Abhilash Boinapally (011314) | answered Feb 09 '12, 1:02 a.m.
"/" is not a valid character in category name. That is because the full
category identification of your example would be:

CategorySchema scema=session.getCategorySchema("ABCD");
Category assetcat=scema.getCategory("EFGH");
SubCategory assetsubcat=assetcat.getSubCategory("ABC/XYZ");

schema -> "ABCD"
assetcat -> "ABCD/EFGH"
assetsubcat -> "ABCD/EFGH/ABC/XYZ"

So we can't tell difference between ABC/XYZ and as assetsubcat or XYZ
being a subcat of assetsubcat.

Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer

Thanks a lot Richard for quick reply.
Apart from the character "/" is there any other limitations using special characters in categories.


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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Feb 09 '12, 10:38 a.m.
Apart from the character "/" is there any other limitations
using special characters in categories.


I'm not really sure. But the suggestion to not use any special
characters would be the safest. I only know of '/' as for sure.

Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer

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