Last modified date is not being updated properly for asset

The last modified date for an asset is not getting updated correctly.
The search result page of that asset shows that the asset was last modified on May 22, 2011. However the asset details page shows that the asset has been modified several times since that date - the latest update was asset owner update made on July 25th. Perhaps the last modified date gets updated only for certain types of updates?
Can you please confirm on this. Is the last modified date did not got updated for all type of updates made in the asset? If this is not true, then probably it is a bug. Please advise so that we can take appropriate action to resolve the issue.
The search result page of that asset shows that the asset was last modified on May 22, 2011. However the asset details page shows that the asset has been modified several times since that date - the latest update was asset owner update made on July 25th. Perhaps the last modified date gets updated only for certain types of updates?
Can you please confirm on this. Is the last modified date did not got updated for all type of updates made in the asset? If this is not true, then probably it is a bug. Please advise so that we can take appropriate action to resolve the issue.
One answer

I don't know in detail what updates you saw, but the last modified date
is for actual changes to the asset. Changing owners is not an update to
the asset.
An update to the asset is anytime you used the submit wizard on it.
Not sure, but changing state may also be marked as an update because
that changes the asset itself too.
Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer
I don't know in detail what updates you saw, but the last modified date
is for actual changes to the asset. Changing owners is not an update to
the asset.
An update to the asset is anytime you used the submit wizard on it.
Not sure, but changing state may also be marked as an update because
that changes the asset itself too.
Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer