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Discontinue support for Firefox 3.6

Nozomu Matsushita (1766) | asked Jan 25 '12, 5:58 a.m.
Mozilla has tentative plans to discontinue support for Firefox 3.6 on April 24, 2012.

However, RTC 3.0.1.x supports only 3.6.x version as Firefox currently.

Are there any plans to support latest Firefox version (for example, Firefox 10) for RTC 3.0.1.x?
Or, Will users need to upgrade RTC 4.0 to use the latest Firefox?

My concern is no Firefox support to operate any RTC versions from discontinued support for Firefox 3.6 to RTC 4.0 shipment.
(They cannot use IE 7 and IE 8 because of their company rules.)

6 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 25 '12, 6:22 a.m.
Mozilla has tentative plans to discontinue support for Firefox 3.6 on April 24, 2012.

However, RTC 3.0.1.x supports only 3.6.x version as Firefox currently.

Are there any plans to support latest Firefox version (for example, Firefox 10) for RTC 3.0.1.x?
Or, Will users need to upgrade RTC 4.0 to use the latest Firefox?

My concern is no Firefox support to operate any RTC versions from discontinued support for Firefox 3.6 to RTC 4.0 shipment.
(They cannot use IE 7 or IE 8 because of their company rules.)


Looks like support is on its way for more recent versions of FF

is the proposed list of supported browsers and other system requirements.

You should definitely raise a request for newer versions of FF on current and older versions of RTC so this can be tracked.

Practically, RTC seems to work fine on browsers and versions that are not currently officially supported. I am using Safari/Chrome as well as IE and FF.



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Nozomu Matsushita (1766) | answered Jan 25 '12, 7:06 a.m.
Hi Anthony. Thank you for your answer.

I understand RTC seems to work fine using not officially supported Firefox, but some users are concerned about no Firefox support for current RTC version because they may not ask any questions and raise any defects if they use the newer Firefox via Rational Client Support.

I try to raise a request for newer versions of FF on current and older versions of RTC.

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Jan 25 '12, 11:23 a.m.
On 1/25/2012 4:08 AM, hope wrote:
I try to raise a request for newer versions of FF on current and older
versions of RTC.

But newer versions of Firefox are supported for only a short time. (I
think it is six weeks.) By the time Rational can test a new version of
Firefox enough to say that it is supported, it is almost time for
Firefox to drop its support.

In my opinion (which may not match the opinion of RTC management), the
definition of "supported browser" will have to change.

David Olsen
IBM Rational
Beaverton, Oregon

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 25 '12, 12:14 p.m.
On 1/25/2012 4:08 AM, hope wrote:
I try to raise a request for newer versions of FF on current and older
versions of RTC.

But newer versions of Firefox are supported for only a short time. (I
think it is six weeks.) By the time Rational can test a new version of
Firefox enough to say that it is supported, it is almost time for
Firefox to drop its support.

In my opinion (which may not match the opinion of RTC management), the
definition of "supported browser" will have to change.

David Olsen
IBM Rational
Beaverton, Oregon

Hi David

Good point about the more frequent respins of FF.

Is this something this community can help with - say we start a FF or IE thread and report back when we use newer versions of browsers that appear to work. Not official support but at least some indication of potential problems.

This would be particularly helpful for older versions of RTC (2.x for example)


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Curtis d'Entremont (1.3k3) | answered Jan 27 '12, 9:57 a.m.
See here for an announcement on Firefox support in 4.0:

In practical terms, even though a brand new version of Firefox isn't officially supported, I believe it is very unlikely that we will see significant problems. Since FF 4.0, I haven't seen any regressions caused by a Firefox upgrade all the way to 9.0.1 in my areas of work (Web UI framework & Dashboards).

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Stephen Toledo-Brown (6) | answered Feb 10 '12, 7:13 a.m.

But newer versions of Firefox are supported for only a short time. (I
think it is six weeks.) By the time Rational can test a new version of
Firefox enough to say that it is supported, it is almost time for
Firefox to drop its support.

However, there are also now the ESR releases which are more stable.
Note that mentions "Firefox 10 ESR".

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