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How to add a customized enumeration column which can work as the Restricted access column to list the project teams in a Specific project area?

eric ho (3325) | asked Nov 01 '13, 7:31 a.m.

How to add a customized enumeration column which can work as the Restricted access column to list the project teams in a Specific project area?

In order to avoid repeatedly creating a supporting team in every project area, So we create a supporting team in a specific RTC project area. 
The supporting teams will be used to set the restricted access of a workitem in all RTC projects.


Is there any way to do that? Thank you very much!

Accepted answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Nov 01 '13, 9:24 a.m.
sorry, can u explain a little more?

you have three projects.. project C has team area 'Special', projects A & B do not.

what do you want to do?
eric ho selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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eric ho (3325) | answered Nov 05 '13, 9:14 p.m.
edited Nov 05 '13, 9:17 p.m.

Is there any way to hide/remove the project area names from Restricted Access attribute?

Since I just want to utilize this attribute with the access groups which are created by myself, I don't need the project area names to be shown in the drop-down list.

Once there are more and more projects to be created, then the options in drop-down list of Restricted Access attribute may be too many to confuse the general users for choosing the exact access group they want.

If there is any way to config this property, please tell me, thanks for any reply and help.

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