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Ask a question sample project RRC Addon

AOC Admin (13631917) | asked Dec 12 '11, 11:54 a.m.
Hi All,

I am working on resolving an issue with the RRC Addon for both IE and Firefox on our local project here. A PMR has been opened and escalated to the Dev team at the Rational end.

I created a sample project on to see if maybe there was some other issue with the versions. I get as far as being able to download the add-on for Firefox and then I get a message that says it wasn't the addon firefox was expecting..

on IE,I get the message that I need to download the addon and when I click OK, i get an HTTP 500 error in a new pop-up window... So, seems to be an issue with IE/FF both at version 8 and it does look like IE 8 is supported..

Has anyone successfully installed the RRC addon for version 3.0.1 or Any settings you had to tweak to get the plug in working?

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Dec 13 '11, 1:14 a.m.
Hi All,

I am working on resolving an issue with the RRC Addon for both IE and Firefox on our local project here. A PMR has been opened and escalated to the Dev team at the Rational end.

I created a sample project on to see if maybe there was some other issue with the versions. I get as far as being able to download the add-on for Firefox and then I get a message that says it wasn't the addon firefox was expecting..

on IE,I get the message that I need to download the addon and when I click OK, i get an HTTP 500 error in a new pop-up window... So, seems to be an issue with IE/FF both at version 8 and it does look like IE 8 is supported..

Has anyone successfully installed the RRC addon for version 3.0.1 or Any settings you had to tweak to get the plug in working?

This wiki page contains some browser settings that might be help

If the settings are not the problem, try uninstalling and then reinstalling. Also try clearing the browser cache, active logins and maybe any cookies.

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