Project area creation - using Agile requirements management
2 answers
Hi All,
I could create a lifecycle project and choose Agile template for Requirements management. But i am not able to choose the agile template while creating a project area through requirements composer. Could you please help?
You should be able to create one of the pre-configured templates, base, agile, etc from LPA.
That said RRC behaves a little differently from RTC and RQM, and does not allow custom project templates to be created from LPA.
The best way to use RRC projects with LPA, is to first create RM projects from the RM web application (needs Adminstator RM role, and JazzAdmin), and then use LPA to link an existing RRC project, to new RTC and RQM project containers.
Creating RM projects from the RM web application is on a pull down administrator menu in the top right hand corner of the page, to the right of your user menu.
I hope this helps.
You can create a custom LPA template based on custom RRC templates if you are willing to modify one of the existing templates manually. Here is a video demonstrating the procedure. This is also highlighted in this InfoCenter topic. Hope it helps,