When I want to link two artifact, It gives error(ID CRRRW7558E)

***CLM v4.0.6
***Team Area Hierarchy
******HALKBANK BT (X or Y users can create delete and modify link)
*********YDS (X user can create delete and modify artifact)
*********YG1 (Y user can create delete and modify artifact)
***When X user tries to link YDS artifact with YG1 artifact X user gets that error which is below.
***Link type is not default.
***We do not get that error when we used default link types(Extracted)
The server does not permit the attempted operation.hide details
ID CRRRW7558E The message that follows might indicate why the server does not permit the operation. To troubleshoot this issue, ask your server administrator to check the server configuration. For more information about the cause of the error, check the message details. Also, ensure that the required licenses are installed and activated, and that they have not expired. To check your licenses, from the Jazz Team Server administration pages, click Server > License Key Management. If you have correct and up-to-date licenses and are an administrator, check the fronting.properties file in the /server/conf/rm directory to ensure that the file contains the correct server name and port number. If you are not an administrator, ask a server administrator to check the fronting.properties file.
Unable to load https://.../rm/links status: 403
Error: Unable to load https://.../rm/links status: 403 at Error (native) at new _6 (https://.../rm/web/_js/?include=K~&etag=rHxJkU55NS_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=EMGm3&locale=en-us:2485:14) at _6 [as handleResponse] (https://.../rm/web/_js/?include=K~&etag=rHxJkU55NS_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=EMGm3&locale=en-us:6183:4) at XMLHttpRequest._13 (https://.../rm/web/_js/?include=K~&etag=rHxJkU55NS_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=EMGm3&locale=en-us:6198:5)
URL: https://.../rm/links
Error 403: Forbidden
CRRRS4507E Links cannot be created.
Requirements Management/4.0.6
2 answers

If user X does not have permissions to modify YG1, you should get an error like this:
Team ownership settings do not allow link creation between the two artifacts. Select a different artifact or a different link type.
This is what I see even in the case I create a custom link type and try to link to an artifact I do not have permission to modify. You will need to be able to modify both artifacts in order to create the link. That error indicates there is a problem with the license type user X has though. Have you confirmed that these users can modify the artifacts first before trying to create the links?
Team ownership settings do not allow link creation between the two artifacts. Select a different artifact or a different link type.
This is what I see even in the case I create a custom link type and try to link to an artifact I do not have permission to modify. You will need to be able to modify both artifacts in order to create the link. That error indicates there is a problem with the license type user X has though. Have you confirmed that these users can modify the artifacts first before trying to create the links?