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Dojo version - Web UI x Eclipse Client

Fausto Lemos (16811518) | asked Nov 16 '11, 7:00 a.m.

dojo version used in web ui is the same used at eclipse client?

how do i know wich version of dojo eclipse client is using?


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Fausto Lemos (16811518) | answered Nov 16 '11, 8:30 a.m.
i made some tests and would like to share with you:

- i have two JTS (development and homolog);
- i just downloaded JTS with RTC client 3.0.1 to use under development;
- create a javascript validator and attached to my process;
- when testing the script under web UI pointing to homolog server validation occurs fine;
- open my eclipse client, point to homolog server and validation crashs!

org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot read property "stamp" from undefined

command line with problem ->

- trying to run validation at web UI or eclipse client at development:

org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: Error: Could not load 'com.test.alm.DateComparator'; last tried '../com/test/alm/DateComparator.js' ({"Bundle-SymbolicName":"org.dojotoolkit.dojo", "path":"resources\/_base\/_loader", "name":"loader.js"}#414)

- i add console.log(dojo.version) to see wich version of dojo servers/eclipse/web UI are using and then a question came out:

1 - the version of dojo used by rhino depends on wich server i'm connected or the version of dojo is packed inside the eclipse client?



dojo version used in web ui is the same used at eclipse client?

how do i know wich version of dojo eclipse client is using?


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