Adding custom filters in plans
Has anyone an idea of where I can find some docs on how to define filters in the planModes? One of the things I try to do for example is to add a filter to hide all items except for stories and defect to use as my release notes view.
I'm able to add a custom filter but I cannor configure it.
Where can I find info which filter it can implement or what parameters to pass.
Has anyone an idea of where I can find some docs on how to define filters in the planModes? One of the things I try to do for example is to add a filter to hide all items except for stories and defect to use as my release notes view.
I'm able to add a custom filter but I cannor configure it.
Where can I find info which filter it can implement or what parameters to pass.
<configuration-data xmlns="" id="">
<filter id="my.apt.common.ui.filter.test" implementation="" name="myFilter">
<parameter key="field" value=""/>
<groupmode id="_rWIXsCtxEd-r3IqQQDxJFA" implementation="" name="Project">
<parameter key="attribute" value=""/>
<sortmode id="_d9GwsF28Ed-Qv5E7tXsh_Q" implementation="" name="Project">
<parameter key="attribute" value=""/>