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Change Set - How to locate the baseline that integrates it

is there the possibility to locate, for a specific change set, the component baseline that includes it (the first baseline which integrates it)?
I discovered that this is possible via the following action:
right click on a change set -> Locate Change Set -> from Baselines...
but this implies to scroll manually the baselines of the component which is impacted by the selected change set, and verify which ones include it.
Is there a way to have this information automatically?
Accepted answer

One other answer


This would have been good to post as a new topic so that others can see a question hasn't been answered yet and to not get buried in another person's unrelated topic.
To answer your question, you have to share your project. The sandbox represents local content and tracks items that are shared. If you haven't shared the project, it won't be tracked even though it's in your sandbox. You can have items that aren't ready to be shared in your sandbox then share them when they have reached a good state.

I misunderstood the meaning of "New Post" I thought that it was new topic. You've lost me when you said "share your project". Where do I do that? What exactly do you mean by "project"? The RTC project, the .project file or the eclipse project folder?

In Package Explorer, right-click on the project and go to Team --> Share Project. You can then select a component in your repository workspace where you want the files to be shared.

There is no "Share Project" under the team submenu. I created this RTC workspace by right-clicking on a Stream and selecting New --> "Respository Workspace..." then loaded the workspace sandbox from the component that I believe is already shared.