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Custom Attribute can't be added to Editor Presentations

Phillip Piper (15812524) | asked Oct 11 '11, 12:50 p.m.
This is really perplexing to me.

I have done this a bunch of times recently. I create a new attribute for a given work item type. I then re-use it in one of my other work item types.
Then I go to Editor Presentations where I have some editors that I duplicated from the default.

If I go to Add Presentation or Edit an existing, I select Attribute-based presentation my latest custom attribute doesn't show up in the list to select. However, all my previous ones do.

I have no idea the reason and I have re-traced my steps 3 times already. Has anyone seen this before?

4 answers

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Steve Cotugno (41159) | answered Oct 11 '11, 5:44 p.m.
In my case, I cannot get any of the custom attributes (enumeration type) to appear in the Web client. I see them in the Eclipse client but not the web.

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Phillip Piper (15812524) | answered Oct 12 '11, 11:31 a.m.
In my case, I cannot get any of the custom attributes (enumeration type) to appear in the Web client. I see them in the Eclipse client but not the web.

I've found that my issue seems to be specific to custom attributes of type timeline. I can't even get the option add my custom attribute it to a presentation.

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Oct 12 '11, 11:34 a.m.
In my case, I cannot get any of the custom attributes (enumeration type) to appear in the Web client. I see them in the Eclipse client but not the web.

Steve - This may be because you didn't also add that attribute to the LightWeight WorkItem Creation Dialog? Are you trying to create a new workitem from the web?

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Steve Cotugno (41159) | answered Oct 12 '11, 11:44 a.m.
In my case, I cannot get any of the custom attributes (enumeration type) to appear in the Web client. I see them in the Eclipse client but not the web.

Steve - This may be because you didn't also add that attribute to the LightWeight WorkItem Creation Dialog? Are you trying to create a new workitem from the web?

I tried adding it to the LightWeight work item too and it still does not appear.

I am modifying an existing work item (task/defect/enhancement), just adding one additional field.

Originally, I had made the changes via the web. But then I was told that I should try it from the Eclipse client, so I did. It still does not work.

Note that I am working in a IBM Rational cloud. Contact me via e-mail if you want access to take a look.


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