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Code Review Process

Danil Suits (81177) | asked Aug 10 '10, 6:44 p.m.
What is the current line on best practices for adding code reviews to the delivery process?

At the same time we are evaluating RTC, we are also onboarding a large number of new developers. The rough plan is to arrange to buddy up new developers with members of the legacy team, and review each code delivery during a probationary period.

That gives me three tiers of team members - those who must be reviewed, those who can deliver code without review, and those who can both deliver code and review it.

Buddies will not be in the same physical location, as a rule.

If Bob is going to review Alice's code, how do we best go about that?

Added degree of difficulty - we are not currently using work items. That's not to say that we can't adopt them if necessary for the review process, but the solution that we adopt cannot assume that the work items have been creating in an earlier process.

There is some prior art on forcing code reviews, started a couple years back but with additional discussion last week.

Here's a discussion of Notifications.

Smart Bear's Code Collborator might also be interesting, but I don't believe I'll have budget for it. Additional discussion.

CCRT may be overdue for an update that was expected in July?

RTC Enhancement Request.

8 answers

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Danil Suits (81177) | answered Aug 12 '10, 4:49 p.m.
OK, not the answer I hoped for.

How about worst practices? Anybody got those for sharing?

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Danil Suits (81177) | answered Aug 12 '10, 6:09 p.m.
In the web interface, the action looks like it might be part of a solution. The presentation there shows all of the changed files, and a reasonable visual representation of the diff.

So if you have the workspaceItemId, and the changesetItemId, you can build the URL you need to view the diffs.

It's not clear to me that you can readily find all changesets by a particular user.

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Danil Suits (81177) | answered Aug 13 '10, 10:51 a.m.
It's not clear to me that you can readily find all changesets by a particular user.

Aha - Search > Jazz Source Control > Change sets... lets you do exactly that. That gives you a grid of change sets in the Search results pane. Unfortunately, it seems the only place you can go from there is the Change Explorer.

The change explorer is awful for code reviews - i'd be much better off if I could jump directly to viewChangeSet. I could patch it together by hand, if I could get at the IDs of the changeset and the component, but that doesn't seem to be possible either.

Is there a bridge? or do I need to roll my own solution here?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 13 '10, 12:52 p.m.
What don't you like about the Change Explorer view for code reviews?


On 8/13/2010 10:53 AM, Danil wrote:
It's not clear to me that you can readily find all changesets by a
particular user.

Aha - Search> Jazz Source Control> Change
sets... lets you do exactly that. That gives you a
grid of change sets in the Search results pane. Unfortunately, it
seems the only place you can go from there is the Change Explorer.

The change explorer is awful for code reviews - i'd be much better off
if I could jump directly to viewChangeSet. I could patch it together
by hand, if I could get at the IDs of the changeset and the
component, but that doesn't seem to be possible either.

Is there a bridge? or do I need to roll my own solution here?

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Danil Suits (81177) | answered Aug 13 '10, 5:01 p.m.
What don't you like about the Change Explorer view for code reviews?

It's badly designed for this task?

The short answer is to compare what you see in the viewChangeSet view, and compare the number of gestures that are required to view the same data.

The tree view as a mechanism for showing the hierarchy of of the change set seems very broken, it adds extra rows that add no value, and requires the user to expand each folder in turn to get at the contents.

Oh and some of the folders are empty, which makes that element in the tree explorer completely non functional, but you won't know until you expand it.

Far as I can tell, I can't open the compare editor for multiple files at the same time, but instead have to go to the context menu for each file individually. I really ought to be able to open everything at once, and maybe also the option to open everything in a folder.

In short, the change set is being presented as a collection of isolated and unrelated items, when I need to be able to view the whole.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 13 '10, 6:44 p.m.
One global comment: I'm not suggesting that the Change Explorer view is
an ideal code review tool ... just that it sounds like you might not be
using it in the way that is most suitable for code reviews.

A couple of questions:
- What is the "viewChangeSet view"?
- Have you clicked on "show files" in the Change Explorer view? That
shows you the file-based view that one wants for code reviews. It
sounds like you are using the "show change sets" option.

WRT "open each folder in turn", there is an "expand all folders" option
that lets you open all folders in one gesture.

WRT "have to go to the context menu for each file individually", the
gesture to open a display of all the changes in a particular file is
"double click" on the line for that file in the Change Explorer view
(opens that file in the compare editor). So you don't need to go to the
context menu.

WRT "open the compare editor for multiple files at the same time", were
you looking for a single compare buffer, with all the changes from all
the files concatenated (assumedly with an indication of which file the
change was from), or just a gesture that opens up multiple different
compare buffers, one for each modified file?


On 8/13/2010 5:07 PM, Danil wrote:
What don't you like about the Change Explorer view for code reviews?

It's badly designed for this task?

The short answer is to compare what you see in the viewChangeSet view,
and compare the number of gestures that are required to view the same

The tree view as a mechanism for showing the hierarchy of of the
change set seems very broken, it adds extra rows that add no value,
and requires the user to expand each folder in turn to get at the

Oh and some of the folders are empty, which makes that element in the
tree explorer completely non functional, but you won't know until you
expand it.

Far as I can tell, I can't open the compare editor for multiple files
at the same time, but instead have to go to the context menu for each
file individually. I really ought to be able to open everything at
once, and maybe also the option to open everything in a folder.

In short, the change set is being presented as a collection of
isolated and unrelated items, when I need to be able to view the

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Danil Suits (81177) | answered Aug 14 '10, 12:43 p.m.
One global comment: I'm not suggesting that the Change Explorer view is
an ideal code review tool ... just that it sounds like you might not be
using it in the way that is most suitable for code reviews.

I believe that - I'm happy to be told both how I should use it instead, and where I ought to have read that before trying it.

- What is the "viewChangeSet view"?

see above: "In the web interface, the action...." It's the closets analog I've seen to the "Describe Change List" functionality of P4. Alas, it doesn't seem to be reachable from the eclipse client?

WRT "open the compare editor for multiple files at the same time", were you looking for a single compare buffer, with all the changes from all the files concatenated (assumedly with an indication of which file the change was from), or just a gesture that opens up multiple different compare buffers, one for each modified file?

The latter, I think. I had observed, using Beyond Compare 3 as my external comparison tool, that I could send file A to the comparison tool, and then file B, and the result would be one Beyond Compare session with a tab for each of the two diffs.

My conclusion was that if the Change Explorer would iterate through groups of files, rather than making me do so by hand, then the rest of the behavior is good enough.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 14 '10, 3:31 p.m.
WRT "see above: "...": Many rich client readers (such as Thunderbird)
don't show earlier messages in a thread unless they've been explicitly
included in the body of the response (which is why those news readers by
default include a copy of the message being answered in the body of the
response). Of course, that means that web browser readers get annoyed,
because they then see multiple copies of the previous messages, while
rich client readers get annoyed because people don't include critical
context for their followup. I have no good answer for this, other than
suggesting that browser folks might include a copy of key context

But back to what this thread is actually about:

It sounds like if you could multi-select all the files you want
compared, and then issue a single "compare" request, you'd have
something pretty close to the compare tabs produced by BeyondCompare.
I've submitted work item 126436, requesting this enhancement. Please
add a comment if you'd like to revise the proposed enhancement, or just
to indicate your interest/support.


On 8/14/2010 12:53 PM, Danil wrote:
One global comment: I'm not suggesting that the Change Explorer view
an ideal code review tool ... just that it sounds like you might not
using it in the way that is most suitable for code reviews.

I believe that - I'm happy to be told both how I should use it
instead, and where I ought to have read that before trying it.


- What is the "viewChangeSet view"?

see above: "In the web interface, the action...." It's the closets
analog I've seen to the "Describe Change List"
functionality of P4. Alas, it doesn't seem to be reachable from the
eclipse client?

WRT "open the compare editor for multiple files at the same
time", were you looking for a single compare buffer, with all
the changes from all the files concatenated (assumedly with an
indication of which file the change was from), or just a gesture that
opens up multiple different compare buffers, one for each modified

The latter, I think. I had observed, using Beyond Compare 3 as my
external comparison tool, that I could send file A to the comparison
tool, and then file B, and the result would be one Beyond Compare
session with a tab for each of the two diffs.

My conclusion was that if the Change Explorer would iterate through
groups of files, rather than making me do so by hand, then the rest
of the behavior is good enough.

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