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File Types in RTC Source Control

Dave Westerman (331110) | asked Sep 30 '11, 11:19 a.m.
I have delivered file changes to my RTC repository, but when I look in the changeset display, I'm getting the following for a number of files:

Differences between the Before and After states of the file cannot be computed because neither of the content types of the states can be displayed: application/unknown, application/unknown

The file is text, but obviously RTC doesn't know that. My question is, where do I set the file suffixes so that RTC realizes these are text files? Can it be set in RTC globally, or does each local Eclipse workspace have to set this?

Karandeep Chawla commented Nov 08 '12, 1:15 p.m. | edited Nov 08 '12, 1:18 p.m.


Were you able to resolve this issue? I am having similar issues.


Dave Westerman commented Nov 08 '12, 2:50 p.m.

Karandeep, I'm afraid I never was able to resolve this issue. It's a pain, because for a lot of our changesets, you can't just easily go into the web tool and see the changes, because RTC thinks they aren't text file. Good luck!

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John Camelon (1.7k14) | answered Nov 09 '12, 11:17 a.m.
You can set the file properties for the project in the Eclipse client by Team > Change File Properties.  It will bring up a dialog which will help you set the right content types for the underlying resources.  

For new files, you can set the default content types by using Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > File Properties.  

Hope this helps, 
SCM Server

Karandeep Chawla commented Nov 09 '12, 11:19 a.m.

What about for files that do not have an extension? Any way to set them to text/plain?

sam detweiler commented Nov 09 '12, 12:12 p.m.

unfortunately you cannot customize the list of types, nor manually assign a type to a specific file

Dave Westerman commented Nov 14 '12, 4:25 p.m.

I'm assuming this means that each individual developer has to set this, instead of there being some global way of setting it?

What happens if I check-in a changeset before I've fixed this, and then change it and check it back in? Will I be able to diff previous changes to the file, now that it knows it is text, or will all previous ones still say that the diffs can't be viewed because the file is binary?

sam detweiler commented Nov 14 '12, 5:48 p.m.

the previous are unchanged (can't change history)

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