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Eclipse Client Java Error

Harish Gowda (111) | asked Sep 27 '11, 4:44 p.m.
My build.xml works fine,but when i add ant tasks and try to include BuldToolKitTasksDefs.xml in build file it gives error.Build failed/check the task etc.

I have tried all possible things which I ran into in google,But I am unable solve it.Please help me out


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 28 '11, 3:46 a.m.
My build.xml works fine,but when i add ant tasks and try to include BuldToolKitTasksDefs.xml in build file it gives error.Build failed/check the task etc.

I have tried all possible things which I ran into in google,But I am unable solve it.Please help me out


Are you copying the task defs into the build.xml? This has always worked for me and should not affect the build. Then you can start adding instances of the build toolkit ant tasks. If those fail, you build will fail.

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