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RTC Defect Type A- to Defect type B conversion with out losing the history.

Hi, we are using RTC 5.0.2 with SCRUM template
One of the Big program is going to have an elaborate Defect workflow and customer exchange related fields. To support this activity, we plan to have a new Defect TYPE (say it as “Defect-B”) with the same fields and values as like in the existing Defect (say it as “Defect”).
Now we have lot of “Defect” workitem in that project area which need to be converted to "Defect-B" type. Before that I exported the “Defect” work items with all necessary fields. These Defects are in different states.
I want to create “Defect-B” (with new category – NOT same defect category) with New workflow and extra fields. When I change the “Defect” TYPE to “Defect-B”, though the “Defect” is in “Resolved” state, when it became “Defect-B”, automatically it revert back to “Initialize” state – i.e. “Analysis” (which is configured as Initialize target state). In this condition, RTC tool automatically clears “Resolution date” details. If I map the data in exported excel and import it with latest details, it is working fine. But the “Resolution” date and “Resolved By” details are replaced with current time and my name.
To avoid the loss of data, is it possible to change the Defect TYPE through excel import??? I tried with “Mapping” xml file as well. It is not working. Do you have any suggestion????
NOTE: We are going to have both "Defect" and "Defect-B" in a common template. So the future programs based on the need they can select one of the "Defect" type for their program. So don't want to RENAME the existing "defect" as "defect-B".
2 answers

you cannot change the type of an existing workitem thru import. you can set a NEW workitem's type.
the problem will be matching states. cause as you convert, it will want to get 'In progress' to something. etc.
and yes, if you set a new state that is not effectively resolved, then the old resolved status are cleared.
and any changes are marked as done by the user running the import tool.

Type | Id | Status | Priority |
defect | 329364 | 2 | Medium |
defect | 329361 | 3 | Medium |
defect | 329362 | 1 | Unassigned |
defect | 329365 | 2 | Medium |
defect | 10215 | 3 | Medium |