CQ synch: The user has a "Contributor" client acce
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Missing required license
An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400. Message: CRJAZ1381I The user has a "Contributor" client access license assigned that would normally allow this operation, but the license expired on 9-Apr-2011 3:27 PM. You can install a permanent client access license to re-enable this operation.
It says: "Un-assign the expired license from the user leaving them with just the new license and then the user can submit work items.", but I don't see any multiple assignment of licenses. There is no expired trial license assignment at all, please see attached image.
It's a Windows 2003 VM with CCCQ 7.1 and RTC 3.0 with Tomcat and Deby.
Missing required license
An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400. Message: CRJAZ1381I The user has a "Contributor" client access license assigned that would normally allow this operation, but the license expired on 9-Apr-2011 3:27 PM. You can install a permanent client access license to re-enable this operation.
It says: "Un-assign the expired license from the user leaving them with just the new license and then the user can submit work items.", but I don't see any multiple assignment of licenses. There is no expired trial license assignment at all, please see attached image.
It's a Windows 2003 VM with CCCQ 7.1 and RTC 3.0 with Tomcat and Deby.
3 answers
Hi Jirong,
Please see the last comment comment here.
It looks like you may need to upgrade to 3.0.1 to get the fix.
Please see the last comment comment here.
It looks like you may need to upgrade to 3.0.1 to get the fix.
Hi Jirong,
Please see the last comment comment here.
It looks like you may need to upgrade to 3.0.1 to get the fix.
I read that post, but IBM can't ask a client to upgrade just for this?!
I did further experiments, I uploaded a production license key which has 254 developers (the unlocked one), but
1. The max purchase number I can put is 10, not 254.
2. Look at the image below, the expired license key is no longer expired.
3. When I assign a new user, it still get license from that old expired one.
4. And I am still getting the same error from CQ sych.
Now I am not sure if it's the Contributor license or Developer license is causing the problem, but the user is not assigned and never assigned a Contributor license.
Hi Jirong,
Please see the last comment comment here.
It looks like you may need to upgrade to 3.0.1 to get the fix.
The problem is resolved by re-starting the Jazz server, which probably making the license update taking effect. I guess only IBM can explain this.