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Where is my testCaseName?

Eric Briere (411213) | asked Sep 15 '11, 8:48 a.m.

Just upgraded from to 3.0.1. We have automated test environment based on RQM and RTF integration.

We store some information in RQM test cases pre and post conditions that I need to retreive from RTF scripts. I fix that in previous releases of RQM by intercepting the -Drqm.task parameter from the RTF adaptor, taking a copy of the task XML file, parsing the <testCaseName> element and then doing some REST Apis queries to RQM to retreive test case information. And all was happy.

Now, upgrading to 3.0.1 the <testCaseName> seems to not be in the XML file anymore. So all my integration is now broken.

The question is: How do I retreive the RQM test case that was used to run a script from RTF scripts/RestAPIs.


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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Jun 11 '12, 9:34 a.m.
Hi Eric,
Unfortunately that <testCaseName> element was not part of official API and got removed in 301. However it has been added back in RQM v3012 to avoid regression like your case. So please upgrade to 3012 or above.

In RQM 4.0, you would like to use more rich built in variables (which will be passed depending upon specified in remote script), which are supported hence will not be removed.

Similarly there are tens of other variables for testplan, test environment, project area, build etc..

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