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Integration JDeveloper/RTC: correct parameters?

Olivier Béghain (1082234) | asked Sep 06 '11, 2:04 a.m.

I'm currently involve in a situation where my customer wants to use Oracle JDeveloper as IDE for one of their projects for which additional Rational tools are recommended. Challenge: find out if we can make use of the CM capabilities of RTC from within JDeveloper. Note: Oracle documentation/articles didn't provided an answer on this.

So, I found a product called Oracle Team Productivity Center that is composed of a server (=db+webapp server+OTPC web app) and a client (=JDeveloper plugin). The product has several bridges for different tools (work item repositories) but also an OSLC one. The end-result "should be" the following: from JDeveloper, through its team view, I should be able to consult the work items managed in RTC and _I hope_ perform the CM operations.

My problem is that _within JDeveloper_ although I specified the parameters of my RTC 3.0.1 server, as soon as I test my connection to RTC, JDeveloper indicates that the test failed due to an unsupported service provider.

I don't know if this a bug or a result of bad parameters for the RTC repository. As parameters, I have to provide the RTC server URL and the OSLC Service provider.

RTC Server URL: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9080 (SSL has been turned off)
OSLC Service Provider: /ccm/scr

Your thoughts:
1) Should I specify something else as value for the service provider (i Tried /ccm also but it didn't helped)
2) Anyone have experience with this integration? If yes, are the usual CM operations accessible in JDeveloper and having effect in RTC using this bridge?

Olivier Bghain

4 answers

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Olivier Béghain (1082234) | answered Sep 16 '11, 12:33 p.m.
To give a follow-up to my previous post, I just wanted to inform that the bridge JDeveloper/RTC finally worked and as result it appears that I should be able to access the work items defined in RTC from within JDeveloper (I say "should" because although I could retrieve one work item I didn't tested out the integration in details).

The correct settings are:
RTC Server URL: https://xx.xx.xx.xx:9443/ccm (SSL on, any other port ok)
OSLC Service Provider: RTC

Note that I failed to get the connection towards a RTC server that is not listening on HTTPS.

What do I miss now? Having JDeveloper integrated with the RTC versioning capabilities. Since this is not available, combining RTC and JDeveloper means that the versioning of JDeveloper artefacts has to be done in a SCM tool like ClearCase or SVN and that SCM has to be used in combination with RTC. In our case, we choose for Rational ClearCase but didn't decided yet if we would use sync or bridge mode.


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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Jun 05 '12, 9:02 a.m.
See (vote for, comment) Jazz Plan Jam Idea 'Provide JDeveloper plugin'

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Alexander Schinko (35511812) | answered Sep 16 '11, 11:52 a.m.

could please anyone vote (subscribe) to implement the RTC JDeveloper 11g plugin?

Best Regards,


I'm currently involve in a situation where my customer wants to use Oracle JDeveloper as IDE for one of their projects for which additional Rational tools are recommended. Challenge: find out if we can make use of the CM capabilities of RTC from within JDeveloper. Note: Oracle documentation/articles didn't provided an answer on this.

So, I found a product called Oracle Team Productivity Center that is composed of a server (=db+webapp server+OTPC web app) and a client (=JDeveloper plugin). The product has several bridges for different tools (work item repositories) but also an OSLC one. The end-result "should be" the following: from JDeveloper, through its team view, I should be able to consult the work items managed in RTC and _I hope_ perform the CM operations.

My problem is that _within JDeveloper_ although I specified the parameters of my RTC 3.0.1 server, as soon as I test my connection to RTC, JDeveloper indicates that the test failed due to an unsupported service provider.

I don't know if this a bug or a result of bad parameters for the RTC repository. As parameters, I have to provide the RTC server URL and the OSLC Service provider.

RTC Server URL: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9080 (SSL has been turned off)
OSLC Service Provider: /ccm/scr

Your thoughts:
1) Should I specify something else as value for the service provider (i Tried /ccm also but it didn't helped)
2) Anyone have experience with this integration? If yes, are the usual CM operations accessible in JDeveloper and having effect in RTC using this bridge?

Olivier Bghain

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Alexander Schinko (35511812) | answered Sep 20 '11, 8:13 a.m.
Thank you for your post.

I think the RTC versioning should be the cruicial functionality that should be supported!

Which JDeveloper Version are you using?

Best Regards,

To give a follow-up to my previous post, I just wanted to inform that the bridge JDeveloper/RTC finally worked and as result it appears that I should be able to access the work items defined in RTC from within JDeveloper (I say "should" because although I could retrieve one work item I didn't tested out the integration in details).

The correct settings are:
RTC Server URL: https://xx.xx.xx.xx:9443/ccm (SSL on, any other port ok)
OSLC Service Provider: RTC

Note that I failed to get the connection towards a RTC server that is not listening on HTTPS.

What do I miss now? Having JDeveloper integrated with the RTC versioning capabilities. Since this is not available, combining RTC and JDeveloper means that the versioning of JDeveloper artefacts has to be done in a SCM tool like ClearCase or SVN and that SCM has to be used in combination with RTC. In our case, we choose for Rational ClearCase but didn't decided yet if we would use sync or bridge mode.


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