How do I know the physical location of the sandbox?
If the workspace is loaded, how do I find out the root of local folder of the sandbox, where actual files are located?
The right-click properties has no info at all (why not keep it here?)
The Advanced Option of right-click a workspace --> load already shows the last location of a sandbox, not necessary of this workspace (why is like this? why not remember the location of this workspace?)
From sandbox's .descriptor.dat, there is workspace name inside.
3 answers
For me it says:
Loaded in 1 sandbox: C:\jazz\1253\jazz\client\eclipse\runtime-Jazz_configuration-remote (Eclipse Workspace)
2. You can also access a list of sandboxes tracked by the pending changes view through:
(Eclipse client) Windows > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > Sandboxes
If you use Visual Studio, you can access the Sandbox Explorer view.
Geoff is correct, the repository workspace itself doesn't track where it's loaded. Your client is the one tracking that information.
1. In the pending changes view, hover over a component in your loaded repository workspace. Press F2 to access the detailed tooltip. Look at the last item.
For me it says:
Loaded in 1 sandbox: C:\jazz\1253\jazz\client\eclipse\runtime-Jazz_configuration-remote (Eclipse Workspace)
2. You can also access a list of sandboxes tracked by the pending changes view through:
(Eclipse client) Windows > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > Sandboxes
If you use Visual Studio, you can access the Sandbox Explorer view.
Geoff is correct, the repository workspace itself doesn't track where it's loaded. Your client is the one tracking that information.
1. F2 doesn't do anything, F1 shows this, no sandbox info. I am using RTC 3.0.1.
2. I can see this.
Thanks for helping.
Also on RTC 3 and F2 does not show me the physical directory name where my sandbox is located.
There are multiple repository workspaces loaded, and I need to know which physical directory each one is associated with.
How can I accomplish this?
There seems to be a pretty small target that you have to hit in order to see the hover that Christophe mentions in his answer. In the Pending Changes view, hover your mouse over the component icon (hovering over the text of the component name to its right doesn't appear to do anything), and you should see the info box pop up. Once it does, F2 will give it focus.
Thanks John, I tried it again and there is info...but not the path to the phsyical directory. Here is what I get on the hover and F2:
Repository workspace: EV Workspace2
Repository: rtc02 Owned by: Steve Flow target: EV (stream) Repository: rtc02 |
That looks like the info I get when I hover over the repository workspace icon. Make sure you're hovering over one of the loaded component icons.