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Cross Server Linking - OAuth Timestamp was refused

Andy Lapping (6839) | asked Aug 15 '11, 5:32 a.m.
I'm trying to link RTC to DOORS - the keys etc are all setup but when I try and add a Collaboration Link in DOORS I get the message GET Failed - OAuth timestamp was refused.

The jazz jts and the dwa broker and server are all running on the same machine - as is the doors client i'm using to try and create the link

Anyone have any ideas ?

3 answers

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Curtis d'Entremont (1.3k3) | answered Aug 18 '11, 2:20 p.m.
Hmm, I've only ever seen this happen when there were two physical machines involved and the clocks were out of sync. Is your RTC server also on that same machine?

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Andy Lapping (6839) | answered Aug 19 '11, 3:43 a.m.
Hmm, I've only ever seen this happen when there were two physical machines involved and the clocks were out of sync. Is your RTC server also on that same machine?

Yep its a single VM Image with everything running on it

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Josh Crawford (984615) | answered Apr 11 '13, 1:52 p.m.
I was just assisting a client who had a similar configuration,  RTC\Doors local to the same machine but receiving the same exception.  The machine was a VM.  We configured an NTP server for the JTS and the exception went away.

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