Can't create Example project in AD/LDAP/Oracle
The Team Concert example project can't be created becuase hte user registry does not allow creating new users.
I am in a all-in-one env on my laptop with AD/WAS7 installed locally as well. I got the above error when trying to create the JUnit Example project. Is there a workaround?
8 answers
Please create the users in your user registry and then create the sample project. A small test system on tomcat would allow you to identify the required users and their ID's.
I've created all users below in my local AD and imported them into RTC, still getting the exact same error message. I even restarted WAS. What else shall I do?
Build build / build Special user for running the builds
Freddy Freund freddy / freddy
Jason Mitchell jason / jason JUnit team member. A number of work items are assigned to Jason.
Jennifer Ginness jennifer / jennifer
Markus Kent markus / markus JUnit team member. A number of work items are assigned to Markus.
Marlene Stamp marlene / marlene
Rick Yuen rick / rick
Hi Ralph. How does one "switch to tomcat without LDAP"? Can we rerun the front part of jts/setup where we setup the user registry? Or is there a way to set the server's Advanced Properties. Thanks.
The JUnit Example setup does not work because of the user registry.
I would switch to tomcat without LDAP, create the examples, switch back to WAS and LDAP.
Please note the sample projects are only suggested for Test Repositories.
Hi Harry,
I am not sure why you want to do that. The issue is, you need a valid tomcat-users.xml file. You need at least one administrative user that can log in. (I think you should be able to just edit the file, but I am not sure if you can just put in a blank password. You could try).
Since I am not sure, this is what I would do for a complete move from LDAP to Tomcat:
1. Set up a test server on tomcat without LDAP similar to your current one with some administrative user that matches the admin users you use with LDAP.
2. Export the users from the current server with repotools.
3. Import the users into your experimental server
4. Back up the resulting tomcat-users.xml.
5. Look into the file(s) and compare them to your current one.
6. Shut down the current server
7 Back up your file and comment out the LDAP settings. I think does the trick and needs to be in the properties file.
8 Place the tomcat-users.xml into the Tomcat/conf folder of your server.
9. Bring up the server
To switch back you would replace the manipulated files with your backup and bring up the server.
If you just want to deploy the example, I would suggest to rather use the money that matters sample in a test server. You can always start with a tomcat/non LDAP test server. If you use LDAP and actually want to log in with the different users of the sample you would have to add them to LDAP.
I am not sure why you want to do that. The issue is, you need a valid tomcat-users.xml file. You need at least one administrative user that can log in. (I think you should be able to just edit the file, but I am not sure if you can just put in a blank password. You could try).
Since I am not sure, this is what I would do for a complete move from LDAP to Tomcat:
1. Set up a test server on tomcat without LDAP similar to your current one with some administrative user that matches the admin users you use with LDAP.
2. Export the users from the current server with repotools.
3. Import the users into your experimental server
4. Back up the resulting tomcat-users.xml.
5. Look into the file(s) and compare them to your current one.
6. Shut down the current server
7 Back up your file and comment out the LDAP settings. I think does the trick and needs to be in the properties file.
8 Place the tomcat-users.xml into the Tomcat/conf folder of your server.
9. Bring up the server
To switch back you would replace the manipulated files with your backup and bring up the server.
If you just want to deploy the example, I would suggest to rather use the money that matters sample in a test server. You can always start with a tomcat/non LDAP test server. If you use LDAP and actually want to log in with the different users of the sample you would have to add them to LDAP.