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Migrating from RTC 0.6M5a to RTC RC5

Adil Chahid (45524118) | asked Jun 11 '08, 9:49 p.m.
Hi all,
Can I use the repotool to export data from a RTC 0.6M5a and import it from an RTC RC5 install?

Or you suggest me to follow that migration path:
0.6M5a > 0.6M6a > RC2 > RC3 > RC4 > RC5?

Our repository is pretty huge now and it will take me several hours to follow the second scenario's path.
Thank you in advance for your input!

2 answers

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Matthew Jarvis (2411) | answered Jun 12 '08, 10:29 a.m.
With each milestone release, we support migration from the previous milestone and from the previous Beta. In your case, the supported migration path would be:

M5a > M6a > RC2 (Beta 3) > RC5

(Note that there haven't been any storage model changes since RC3, so a migration wouldn't be necessary to upgrade from RC3 to RC4 or RC5)

Matt Jarvis
Jazz Developer - Web UI & Repository

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Adil Chahid (45524118) | answered Jun 12 '08, 7:16 p.m.
Thank you!

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