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Slow to mark a file as resolved as merged

Leanne Chen (622) | asked Jul 12 '11, 5:15 p.m.
I am working on merging our source code in CVS with our development stream in RTC. There are about 2000 conflicts showing under "Unsolved".

After manually review the conflict and merge the file, I click "Resolve as merged", it takes 10 -- 15 minutes for RTC to complete the operation and refresh the pending change view. Is this a known issue? or is it a configuration issue that can be fixed?

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Leanne Chen (622) | answered Jul 12 '11, 5:58 p.m.
My project is facing a challenge to merge our L3 source code in CVS into our product development stream in RTC. I am wondering if someone has done it before and help me to validate that we are following the right procedure.

Here is the steps we took:
1. Create SVN dump using CVS2SVN to take the L3 code
2. Create a new workspace "L3 Import" to include the component from production stream with baseline to our initial CVS import. (We imported code from CVS to start our production stream in RTC long time ago)
3. Import SVN dump into "L3 Import" workspace component so that it contains the latest code of L3 from CVS
4. Create a L3 Stream to include the component from "L3 import" workspace for L3 team
4. Create a "Merge Stream" to include component from product stream
5. Create a Merge workspace to include component from Merge Stream and flow with "Merge stream"
6. Load the component to local workspace
7. Change the Merge workspace to flow with "L3 Import" workspace (that contains the CVS import from L3)
8. Accept all incoming changes to local workspace
9. Change the Merge workspace to flow with "Merge Stream"
10. Resolve conflicts and check in and deliver code to merge stream
11. Build and test the merged code
12. Change Merge workspace to flow with "product stream" to sync up and merge latest product stream code
13. Build and Test
14. Check in and delivery code merged code to product stream

Currently I stuck in Step 10....

Here is what I observations and questions...
1. There are many conflicts shown under "Unresolved" folder -- I believe this is expected.
2. When I review the conflicting file, manually merged, and mark it as "resolved as merged". I saw the pop up dialog in RTC and asking me "xxx", when I clicked Yes, it moved the merged file under "Outgoing" folder, but the conflict still shows under "Unresolved" folder. -- I don't know if this is expected behavior. Should the conflict be removed since I have resolved it?
3. The operation to mark a single file as "resolved as marked" is very very slow, it takes 10--15 minutes! --- I suspect that it has to do with the large number of conflicts and pending change sets under outgoing folder, is there anything I can make it faster??
4. The L3 changes are showing as change sets under "outgoing" folder. -- I think this is expected
5. "Deliver" is disabled for all the change set under "outgoing" folder. -- I suspect that it is because I have not resolved all the conflicts yet, is it right? if i have merged a file, but it still shows conflict under "unresolved" folder", what I need to do?

Sorry for the long posting, but hopefully someone has done this successfully before and would be able share his/her experience with me!!

Thanks in advance!!


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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Jul 13 '11, 8:48 a.m.
Resolve as Merged may leave unresolved changes if you modified the file. What happens if check-in the unresolved changes?

You do need to resolve all the conflicts before you can deliver.

In regards to the Resolve as Merged action, it shouldn't take that long. You should open a work item for that, if you haven't done so already.

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