Re-running failed RFT scripts, how to do in RQM
Is this a limitation of RQM. Any enhancement requests out there?
I am using RQM iFix 2, and RFT 8.1.
Executing RFT scripts through RQM:
I have created a Test Suite with allows me to execute many tests in series. However supposed 25 out of 100 tests failed. How do I re-execute the 25 failed tests? The View Test Cases Tab only allows execution of one test case at a time, the View Test Execution Records Tab also only allows execution of one test case at a time.
This does not scale well, suppose I have 100 tests and 500 failed! How would I re-run those failed Test Cases?
I am using RQM iFix 2, and RFT 8.1.
Executing RFT scripts through RQM:
I have created a Test Suite with allows me to execute many tests in series. However supposed 25 out of 100 tests failed. How do I re-execute the 25 failed tests? The View Test Cases Tab only allows execution of one test case at a time, the View Test Execution Records Tab also only allows execution of one test case at a time.
This does not scale well, suppose I have 100 tests and 500 failed! How would I re-run those failed Test Cases?