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How to install two servers in one system?

Dhanya Saseendran (8831621) | asked Jul 05 '11, 8:17 a.m.
Hello All,

We have a need in our project to have two servers running parallelly.
RTC 3.0.1 and RTC 2.0 ifix6. We are having some projects in RTC 2.0 ifix and we need RTC 3.0 for newer projects.

I believe we can achieve this by changing port for one of the server from the default port of 9443.

But can anybody tell me what and where all the changes needs to be done if I am changing the port for RTC 3.0.1?


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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Jul 05 '11, 9:19 a.m.
If you're running on Tomcat all you need to do is edit the server.xml file located in JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\conf.

For each <connector> element you will need to change the port attribute to the new port you wsh to use. You will also need to modify the redirectPort attribute of the non-SSL connector to be that of the new SSL connector.

Hello All,

We have a need in our project to have two servers running parallelly.
RTC 3.0.1 and RTC 2.0 ifix6. We are having some projects in RTC 2.0 ifix and we need RTC 3.0 for newer projects.

I believe we can achieve this by changing port for one of the server from the default port of 9443.

But can anybody tell me what and where all the changes needs to be done if I am changing the port for RTC 3.0.1?


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